Author: hunterali
19 March 2018. Wendy Pearlman book event ‘We crossed a bridge and it trembled’
CNaM event CANCELLED due to UCU industrial action.
However, Wendy Pearlman will be discussing her book at the Lighthouse Bookshop on Monday evening. Details below.
29 November 2017. Stefano Bonino book event. “Muslims in Scotland”
Time: 5:30pm
Venue: Seminar Room 2, Chrystal Macmillan Building, 15a George Square, EH8 9LD
All are welcome and there is no need to register/book for this event.
11 December 2017. Public event: ‘Is Scotland different on matters of race and migration?’
Time: 13:00 – 16:00. Lunch from 12:30
Venue: Project Room, 1.06, 50 George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9JU
30 November 2017. Roundtable on ‘Academic Citizenship Beyond Borders’
Time: 17:00-19:30
Venue: David Hume Tower, LG.11. George Square, Edinburgh
While norms of what constitutes ‘academic citizenship’ are increasingly global, academic freedom is under acute threat due to censorship and persecution of academics by state and non-state actors in various locations around the world. This roundtable will focus on specific situations in Bangladesh, China, Turkey and Uganda, while considering what universities and academics outside these countries can/should do to respond, with a spotlight on initiatives at the University of Edinburgh.
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13 October 2017. Social and Welcome Event
16 June 2017. CNaM Film Evening
Date: 16 June 2017. 17:00 – 18:30
Venue: Room 3.15, 18 Buccleuch Place
We will be showing two short documentary films.
29 March 2017. Cultural Narratives at the U.S.-Mexico Border in a Tense Time
Date: Wednesday 29 March, 10:30-12:00 (Refreshments from 10am)
Venue: Seminar Room, IASH, 2 Hope Park Square
[Event co-hosted by the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities]
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13 March 2017. ‘The Asylum Monologues’ – rehearsed reading
Time: 17:30 – 19:00 (NB. Doors at 7:15 – Late admission at organisers’ discretion)
Venue: Lecture Theatre G.03, 50 George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9JU
19 January 2017. Jatinder Mann launches book on Multiculturalism in Canada and Australia
Time: 13:00 – 14:30
Venue: 6th Floor Staff Room, Chrystal Macmillan Building, 15a George Square, Edinburgh
Speaker: Jatinder Mann (King’s College London)
At this roundtable discussion, Jatinder Mann will present the main arguments of his new book, The Search for a New National Identity: The Rise of Multiculturalism in Canada and Australia, 1890s–1970s (New York: Peter Lang).
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