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2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007
Akhtar, P., & Peace, T. (2019). Ethnic minorities in British politics: candidate selection and clan politics in the Labour Party, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45(11), 1902–1918.
Allsopp, J., Burridge, A., Griffiths, M., Gill, N., & Rotter, R. (2017, December 18).
Inside Britain's asylum appeal system - what it's like to challenge the Home Office.
The Conversation.
Ayoub, J. (2017).
The Civil War's Ghosts: Events of Memory Seen Through Lebanese Cinema. In N. S. Nikro & S. Hegasy (Eds.),
The Social Life of Memory: Violence, Trauma, and Testimony in Lebanon and Morocco (pp. 55–82). Palgrave MacMillan.
Bachelet, S. (2014).
Tomorrow, might there be glory.
The Unfamiliar: An Anthropological Journal,
Bachelet, S. (2014).
*Stay calm and carry on?*.
Student Anthropologist,
4(1), 84–90.
Bachelet, S., & Jeffery, L. (2019). Creative engagement with migration in Morocco: An ethnographic exploration of photographic encounters.
Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture,
10(1), 25–42.
Baillot, H., Cowan, S., & Munro, V. E. (2014).
Reason to disbelieve: evaluating the rape claims of women seeking asylum in the UK.
International Journal of Law in Context,
10(1), 105–139.
Baillot, H., Cowan, S., & Munro, V. E. (2013).
Second-hand Emotion? Exploring the Contagion and Impact of Trauma and Distress in the Asylum Law Context.
Journal of Law and Society,
40(4), 509–540.
Baillot, H., Cowan, S., & Munro, V. E. (2012).
'Hearing the Right Gaps': Enabling and Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence within the UK Asylum Process.
Social & Legal Studies,
21(3), 269–296.
Birtchnell, T., Viry, G., & Urry, J. (2013).
Elite Formation in the Third Industrial Revolution. In
Elite Mobilities. Routledge.
Böcker, A., & Hunter, A. (2017).
Legislating for transnational ageing: a challenge to the logics of the welfare state.
European Journal of Ageing, 1–11.
Bond, R. (2017).
Minorities and Diversity in Scotland: Evidence from the 2011 Census.
Scottish Affairs,
26(1), 23–47.
Bond, R. (2017).
Multicultural nationalism? National identities among minority groups in Scotland*s census.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,
43(7), 1121–1140.
Bond, R., & Rosie, M. (2010).
National Identities and Attitudes to Constitutional Change in Post-Devolution UK: A Four Territories Comparison.
Regional & Federal Studies,
20(1), 83–105.
Bond, R., Charsley, K., & Grundy, S. (2008).
Scottish Graduate Migration and Retention.
Scottish Affairs,
63, 31–57.
Bond, R., Charsley, K., & Grundy, S. (2010).
An Audible Minority: Migration, Settlement and Identity Among English Graduates in Scotland.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,
36(3), 483–499.
Boswell, C. (2012).
How Information Scarcity Influences the Policy Agenda: Evidence from U.K. Immigration Policy.
25(3), 367–389.
Boswell, C. (2007).
The Ethics of Refugee Policy.
Journal of Refugee Studies,
20(1), 146–147.
Boswell, C. (2007).
Migration Control in Europe After 9/11: Explaining the Absence of Securitization.
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies,
45(3), 589–610.
Boswell, C. (2007).
Theorizing Migration Policy: Is There a Third Way? International Migration Review,
41(1), 75–100.
Boswell, C. (2008).
The political functions of expert knowledge: knowledge and legitimation in European Union immigration policy.
Journal of European Public Policy,
15(4), 471–488.
Boswell, C. (2015).
The Double Life of Targets in Public Policy: Disciplining and Signalling in Uk Asylum Policy.
Public Administration,
93(2), 490–505.
Boswell, C. (2009).
The Political Uses of Expert Knowledge. Cambridge University Press.
Boswell, C., & Hampshire, J. (2017).
Ideas and agency in immigration policy: A discursive institutionalist approach.
European Journal of Political Research,
56(1), 133–150.
Boswell, C., & Rodrigues, E. (2016).
Policies, politics and organisational problems: multiple streams and the implementation of targets in UK government.
Policy & Politics,
44(4), 507–524.
Boswell, C., Kyambi, S., & Smellie, S. (2017).
Scottish Immigration Policy After Brexit.
Evaluating Options for a Differentiated Approach.
Botterill, K. (2018).
Rethinking "community" relationally: Polish communities in Scotland before and after Brexit.
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers,
43(4), 540–554.
Botterill, K., Bogacki, M., Burrell, K., & Hörschelmann, K. (2020).
Applying for Settled Status: Ambivalent and reluctant compliance of EU citizens in post-Brexit Scotland.
Scottish Affairs,
29(3), 370–385.
Botterill, K., McCollum, D., & Tyrrell, N. (2019).
Negotiating Brexit: Migrant spatialities and identities in a changing Europe: Negotiating Brexit Introduction.
Population, Space and Place,
25(1), e2216.
Botterill, K, Sanghera, G. & Hopkins, P. (2017).
Muslim Youth in Scotland: politics, identity and multicultural citizenship. In Hopkins, P (Ed.),
Muslims in Scotland. Edinburgh University Press.
Botterill, K. (2016).
Diminished Transnationalism: Growing older and practicing home in Thailand. In Walsh, K. and Nare, L. (Ed.),
Rethinking Home: Transnational Migration and Older Age. Routledge.
Brigden, N., & Mainwaring, Ċ. (2016).
Matryoshka Journeys: Im/mobility During Migration.
21(2), 407–434.
Bromley, R. (2021). Narratives of Forced Mobility and Displacement in Contemporary Literature and Culture. Palgrave Macmillan.
Bromley, R. (2021).
Class, knowledge and belonging. In A. M. Gaonkar, A. S. O. Hansen, H. C. Post, & M. Schramm (Eds.),
Postmigration (pp. 133–144). transcript Verlag.
Buechel, B. (2020). Beyond the state: the moral nexus between corporations and refugees.
Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
Caponio, T., Hunter, A., & Verbeek, S. (2015).
(De)constructing Expertise: Comparing Knowledge Utilization in the Migrant Integration *Crisis*.
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice,
17(1), 26–40.
Chabal, E. (2016).
From the banlieue to the burkini: the many lives of French republicanism.
Modern & Contemporary France.