The Citizens, Nations and Migration (CNaM) Network brings together over 300 researchers from across the University of Edinburgh as well as people working in policy, the third sector and advocacy.
We focus on the interconnections between our three themes.
The pressing global issue of international migration is challenging definitions of sovereignty, citizenship, nationhood and identity. From the movement of people out of the Middle East and Africa, driven by war and state failure, to the referendum on the UK’s EU membership, migration has become the lightning rod for wider tensions facing liberal democracies: the politics of deservingness in an era of welfare retrenchment; the ethics of protection for the vulnerable; the electoral currency of xenophobic and nativist populism; and the continued salience of national citizenship when political, social and legal rights are also derived from membership at municipal, devolved and supra-national levels.
We host regular public events with leading contributors from academia, advocacy, the arts, and policymaking, organise activities for members who are PhD students and early career researchers and provide opportunities for discussion and sharing of research at our socials.