13 March 2017. ‘The Asylum Monologues’ – rehearsed reading

Time:  17:30 – 19:00 (NB. Doors at 7:15 – Late admission at organisers’ discretion)

Venue: Lecture Theatre G.03, 50 George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9JU

The Asylum Monologues follow refugees on their journey as they travel across many different borders – and explore the hurdles they continue to face once they arrive at their destination. Launched at Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2016, this Scottish verbatim script focuses on the stories of a Kurdish unaccompanied minor; a young Pakistani man; and an Iranian woman and their stories in Scotland. The rehearsed reading will be followed by a panel discussion hosted by Beyond Borders Scotland.

The event is free to attend and the venue is fully accessible. Please register via https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/asylum-monologues-tickets-32502571065

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