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Baillot, H., Cowan, S., & Munro, V. E. (2012). 'Hearing the Right Gaps': Enabling and Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence within the UK Asylum Process. Social & Legal Studies, 21(3), 269–296.
Boswell, C. (2012). How Information Scarcity Influences the Policy Agenda: Evidence from U.K. Immigration Policy. Governance, 25(3), 367–389.
Kirkwood, S., McKinlay, A., & McVittie, C. (2012). *They*re more than animals*: British Journal of Social Psychology.
Krasniqi, G. (2012). Overlapping jurisdictions, disputed territory, unsettled state: the perplexing case of citizenship in Kosovo. Citizenship Studies, 16(3–4), 353–366.
Krasniqi, G. (2012). Unpacking Post-Communist Socio-Political Transformations in the Western Balkans: A Citizenship-Centred Approach. Südosteuropa: Journal of Politics and Society, 60(4), 555–564.
Mainwaring, C. (2012). Constructing a Crisis: the Role of Immigration Detention in Malta. Population, Space and Place, 18(6), 687–700.
Mainwaring, C. (2012). In the face of revolution: the Libyan civil war and migration politics in Southern Europe. In S. Calleya & M. Wohlfeld (Eds.), Change and Opportunities in the Emerging Mediterranean (pp. 431–451). Malta University Press.
Mainwaring, C. (2012). Resisting Distalization* Malta and Cyprus* influence on EU Migration and Asylum Policies. Refugee Survey Quarterly, 31(4), 38–66.
Odmalm, P. (2012). Party Competition and Positions on Immigration. Comparative European Politics, 10(1), 1–22.
Ralston, J. (2012). Toward a Political Theology of Refugee Resettlement. Theological Studies, 73(2), 363–390.
Shaw, J., & Stiks, I. (2012). Citizenship after Yugoslavia. Routledge.
Viry, G. (2012). Residential mobility and the spatial dispersion of personal networks: Effects on social support. Social Networks, 34(1), 59–72.