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Botterill, K. (2011). Mobility and Immobility in the European Union: Experiences of Young Polish People Living in the UK. Przeglad-Polonijny-Studia Migracyjne (Polonia and Migration Studies), 6.
Hunter, A. (2011). Theory and practice of return migration at retirement: the case of migrant worker hostel residents in France. Population, Space and Place, 17(2), 179–192.
Jeffery, L. (2011). Chagos Islanders in Mauritius and the UK. Manchester University Press.
Jeffery, L. (2011). *Unusual Immigrants*, or, Chagos Islanders and Their Confrontations with British Citizenship. Anthropology in Action, 18(2), 33–44.
Jeffery, L., & Murison, J. (2011). Return and Onward Migration - Special Issue. Population, Space and Place, 17(2), 131–192.
Oberman, K. (2011). Immigration, Global Poverty and the Right to Stay. Political Studies, 59(2), 253–268.
Odmalm, P. (2011). Political Parties and *the Immigration Issue*. West European Politics, 34(5), 1070–1091.
Shaw, J. (2011). The Evolution of EU Law.
Shaw, J. (2011). Europe's Constitutional Mosaic.
Wilks, L. (2011). Missionary Medicine and the *Separatist Tradition*: An Analysis of the Missionary Encounter with Leprosy in Late Nineteenth-Century India. Social Scientist, 39(5/6), 48–66.
Woodman, S. (2011). Law, translation and voice: transformation of a struggle for social justice in a Chinese village. Critical Asian Studies, 43(2), 185–210.