We hope all members of the CNaM Network had a relaxing summer break!
As the new semester cranks into gear, we are looking forward to some exciting Network events in the year ahead.
The first of these is next week Thursday 26 September, when we will be hosting a Social and Welcome Event (5:30 pm, 18 Buccleuch Place, 3F2). This will be a good opportunity to discuss specific ideas people would like to do together in the year ahead (workshops, reading/writing groups, film screenings, work in progress sessions etc.) and how the Network might support these activities. This will also be an opportunity to both welcome people who are new to the Network or interested in joining. We’ll have pizza and drinks—so for ordering purposes, please let us know if you are joining us by sending your RSVP here: https://whoozin.com/X3U-HKJ-447R-6E67
Other activities on the horizon include a screening of the acclaimed HBO documentary Clinica de Migrantes in October or early November (hosted by Alistair Hunter) and a workshop on the ethics of research with displaced people at the beginning of October—info coming soon.
If you have any suggestions for CNaM Network activities in 2019–20 but are not able to make it along to the Social on 26 September, please don’t hesitate to drop us a line! And if you know of new students or staff who would be interested in joining the Network, please pass on this message.
Looking forward to seeing you soon,
Sophia and Andreas