We will hold our first work in progress session on 26 Feb. at 12:00 noon to 2:00pm, with lunch, at 1.12, Chrystal Macmillan Building.
Elisabeth Badenhoop (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity) will share a paper entitled, Performing the Super Citizen? Citizenship applicants’ perspective on naturalisation in the UK and Germany. Copies of the paper will be circulated to those who commit to coming a week before the session.
Ann-Christin Wagner (PhD Candidate, University of Edinburgh) will share a paper with the title ‘Not at home: Syrian refugees making and rejecting home in Zaatari village, Jordan’
A note about the work in progress idea: we send the papers to those who say they would come, not to the whole list, a week before the session, a paper needs to be ready to share by 19 Feb. We know that is short notice for an additional person, but it doesn’t have to be a polished piece, and we don’t review already published papers.
Please RSVP if you’ll come to the work in progress. We’ll order vegetarian lunch, but let us know if you have any other dietary requirements. http://whoozin.com/AAP-YDP-MEAQ