Time: 11am
Venue: 18 Buccleuch Place, 3F2, Room 3.15
CNaM Network’s next work in progress session will be held on 12 April. The idea is that two (or perhaps three) people will provide a paper in advance that we’ll send out to those who’ve said they will attend the session. Please let us know if you have a paper that you’d like people to read—it can be a draft of something you are working on. We already have two papers committed for this session:
Mike Slaven (PhD candidate in PIR). Title: Political Rationality in the Securitization of Migration
Ceren Sengül (PhD candidate in Sociology). Title: Two Rhetorics, Two Forms of ‘Kurdishness’: The Relationship between ‘Kurdishness’ and the State Rhetoric in Turkey
The papers will be sent to you a week before the session if you have RSVPed. Also, we’ll provide lunch for those who come— Please do join us and let us know if you have any dietary requirements!